Wow – what a great experience!! 🙂 I did my second project with NGO Taxi in a school in Cusco, teaching the kids of the ‘Primaria’ (2° to 5° grade, 7-11 years old) about nutrition, along with some English and German. There was a lot of chaos at the beginning, but with some discipline and the support of the teachers I had a really good time with the kids. We talked about the basics of hygiene, what is important in nutrition (e.g. food and drinks), BMI, and the pyramid of nutrition. I prepared some worksheets so they could learn the names of different fruits, vegetables, and drinks in English and German. The kids always had the chance to learn other words they wanted to know and I feel I satisfied their interest in Germany. As requested, I also prepared some lessons for the parents, but in the end nobody appeared. It was a bit disappointing but still a good experience, as I realized I had a lot of fun preparing the lessons. On two afternoons I organized a cooking class for both kids and parents together (which involved a big shop in Molino market for 50 people, preparation of the venue, recipe creation, a cooking trial, etc.). Most of the people who had signed up came and we cooked a delicious panful of colorful vegetables with quinoa. I also prepared a healthy drink (passion fruit and green tea) and I was surprised that everybody loved it. I’m so thankful for my time with NGO Taxi and with the kids and coordinators/teachers at the school!!