We have asked our Volunteers:
Why do you want to volunteer with us?
Read through their answers and get inspired to explore your own “Why”.
I was really surprised, when I saw your project because it fits perfectly to my study field and interests. I expect to learn a lot about sustainable and international projects including problems and troubles. On the other hand, I want to help local people to improve their lifestyle and help them to manage their resources more environmental friendly.
See different health care system, help people, learn more about the culture and language
10 Reasons why I wish to be a volunteer with NGOTAXI 1. Gain Job Experience – A Volunteer experience will look great on my resume. Also, some of the work I do could lead to a job doing similar work. 2. Improve My Health and Self Esteem – Volunteering to help others has been shown to reduce stress, give hope, and it will boost my self esteem. 3. Meet Real Community Needs – Helping people learn to read, or get basic food, clothing, shelter or furniture makes a huge difference! Whether the project is planting a tree or tutoring children, the community will look and feel better. 4. Gain Entrance to MBA – Colleges and universities today are looking for applicants who have more than high grades. They are looking for well rounded people who have volunteered to make a difference in their communities. 5. Meet New People and Establish Friends, Connections and References – When I work alongside others, I really get to know them and become friends with them. Also, adults at organizations where I volunteer can connect me to great opportunities and provide me with a useful reference for a job or University. 6. Gain New Skills and Develop Talents –Any interest I have, can be developed through volunteering, whether working with computers, children or seniors etc. 7. Spread Positive Energy and Hope – Just like random acts of kindness, when I volunteer, my energy and efforts affect the whole community in a positive way. 8. Make the World a Better Place – When I see the problems in my community that I feel needs addressing; I try to do something about them. By volunteering, I will make a difference and help make the world a better place. 9. Personal Growth – By taking on new tasks I’ll learn more about people and life. 10. It’s Fun! – Volunteering brings laughter and smiles to my life
I want to volunteer with your organisation in order to do something for other people or animals. I never had the time to do something so special and right now it is my wish to travel to a foreign country and do any kind of volunteer work. At the projects mentioned below Icouldn’t find the project called Children’s Shelter Project(2 hours from Cusco) which sounds really interesting to me.
As i have much experience in child-care i would love to do something with children.
I have been working as a teacher for English and Religion at a Grammar School in Hamburg, Germany, for 15 years now. I have always been interested in different cultures and mentalities and I have traveled the world to a great extent. Meaning, I love traveling but I have also worked abroad at the German School in Cairo, Egypt, for three years. Additionally, I have also been to various countries of the Americas like Venezuela, Panama, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic. At my school I am responsible for intercultural education and exchange. For the upcoming year I have a sabbatical planned and my main prerogative is to travel South America. However, traveling in my view also means to get to know a country from the roots and give something back. That’s why I not only plan to travel but also wish to do volunteer work. Although I have great experience in teaching I would rather like to do something completely different for a change and that is the reason why I am interested in your recycling project in Columbia. It sounds great to be responsible for a project that can be so useful for that region. I may not have great experience in that field of work, however, I am very flexible and willing to adapt to new challenges. At the present moment my level of Spanish is A2. I will probably reach Cartagena in mid August and could start in September 2015. I would be available for at least a month if not a month longer, depending on how I fit in and everything works out. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Roland Petereit
I love travelling and foreign cultures. I need a break from the stressful, busy and superficial life in Germany. I want to break out of the cage of fullfilling expectations and serving the system…. Although I have studied business adminstration ( in order to have a solid foundation in our crazy world), I am very much into social issues…. I have a good life, and my parents enabled me to do whatever I wanted. They enabled me studing abroad, travelling abroad etc… and now it is time, to give something back to people who are not as lucky as I am. I want to become your intern to do something good, develop myself a bit further, get to know a new culture… and on top that enhances my CV…
I would like to gain some experience in working in an NGO and discovering a new country and its people/traditions/customs etc. I am especially interested in working as an intern abroad within the NGO itself. My motivation is to learn the organization/working routine of an NGO as well as to expand my international knowledge and experience abroad.
I think it would be an interesting experience and I would like to help to safe the planet.
It has always been a great experience, the physical work, the communication between the volunteers and the new surrounding. Doing something positive to prevent the continuing damage of the environment feels useful and refreshing. I studied geosciences and since I know that much about the earth itself, it became even more important for me to protect the beautiful places on earth. I expect from the project to experience new forms of helping and to share my knowledge about environmetal protection with locals. As well I expect to share experiences with other volunteers and possibly do some trips to explore the beautiful country.
I am currently in a phase where I try to find new orientation on how I want to live and work and I have the desire to spend some time abroad, very far from home. I discovered your “new world” project and have been excited instantly. I would like to learn more about sustainable farming as, in the future, I would like to live off the land on my own or in a small community. Further I am keen on learning languages, so it would be some fun to acquire a language I don’t know yet. Your project sounds as I could learn a lot about the land, the culture, the people and political backrounds.
Leon, Germany
I love to be in the wild nature and I’m very interested in learning much about the flora and fauna in this region. In my opinion your “New World” project in Colombia seems to be perfect for me, because I’m also interested in a new ecological lifestyle.
Anette, Germany
Most I want to improve my knowledge about cultural,social and economical conditions. Further I want to study Spanish language and to experience local administration and organisation, management and pr/ marketing in an foreign country.I m open minded for everything.
Janina, Germany
Between the end of my master studies and the begin of my Ph.D. program I’ll have some free time which I would like to spend usefully. That’s why I’d like to help as a volunteer in a biological (esp. animal) project. Besides, I’m interested in foreign cultures especially south america and would like to learn spanish. These two main reasons combined directed me to your project.
Chauveau, France
I love human relations ; coordinating and organising any kind of event, especialy if it is about helping NGOs develop.
I now feel more than confortable with peruvian culture and like living in Cusco.
I would have many other things to tell but I would rather talk about it orally.